Gemini Rue is a gripping adventure set in a bleak future dominated by the corrupt Boryokudan crime syndicate. Alternating between two characters, ex-assassin Azriel Odin and hospital inmate Delta-Six, players must uncover the secrets both men are hiding and discover the bond between them. Inspired by the old-school adventure games of Sierra and LucasArts, Gemini Rue features a point and click interface, hand-painted backgrounds, professional voice acting, an original soundtrack, and optional in-game commentary.
8/10 - Download Gemini Rue Free. Gemini Rue is a graphic adventure that follows the basics of other great titles of the genre. Discover this great story written and designed for Gemini Rue. Graphic adventures have thousands of followers, being one of the genres that has ended up producing great. It plays at 320x200 on my netbook in a small screen and the rest of the space is black, which counts for about half of the screen. Sometimes when i exit the game, my desktop ends up in 320x200.